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Контрольная по английскому №3

Название:Контрольная по английскому №3
Продавец: Kseniya_English help [Информация о продавце]
Товар:Файл: 40729191632667.zip(40 Кбайт)
Описание: 1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму инфинитива:

1)To walk in bad weather is not pleasant.
2)Our task is to master English.
3)I have come here to help you.
4)Some students of our Institute have been sent abroad to study English.
5)This is a good place to work in.
6)We knew the test to have been made.
7)They hope to be sent to the conference.
8)The work to be done here will take much time.
9)Helen opened the door to look into the room.
10) To enter this University requires a lot of hard work.
11) You may stay here.
12) To have met him was an event in my life.
13) The problem to be discussed at our meeting is very important.
14)I shall go for a walk after classes.
15)Mary was asked to look after the child.
2. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму причастия:
1)He is looking for the book which he lost.
2)The street leading to our house is very wide.
3)Having read the article I do not need it any longer.
4)Cities and towns destroyed during the war, were built anew.
5)Having been built two centuries ago, the house has no lift.
6)It was clear that he had given us the wrong address.
7)He speaks like a man having his opinion of every thing.
8)Walking in the park, he met his old friend.
9)The cars now being produced at out plants are very good.
10) Sometimes he is sent to New York on business.
11) When asked he brought the papers at once.
12) The machine designed by him will help us greatly.
13) He is a leading scientist in this field.
14) Given the task he began to work.
15) The lecture was attended by many people.
3. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию герундия:
1)Swimming in bad weather is not pleasant.
2)We discussed opening a new business.
3)There stands a reading lamp on the table.
4)Instead of going home he went to the movies.
5)I shall never forget taking that examination.
6)There are several ways of producing electricity.
7)On coming home I took a bath.
8)Thank you for coming.
9)Seeing and believing are different things.
10) He left the room without saying a word.
11)Do you mind my staying here?
12) They went on talking.
13)This scientist achieved great results by working hard at the problem.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия:
1)She thanked him for having helped her.
2)We remember having been told about the different points of view on this theory.
3)I remember having obtained these data in our previous experiments.
4)We have been sent here for mastering English.
5)I’m sorry for having missed your lecture.
6)This TV-set wants being repaired.
7)I don’t like being read to.
5. Определите являются ли выделенные слова – причастием, отглагольным существительным или герундием.

1)Knowing English well he translated the article without a dictionary.
2)He took part in the sittings .
3)She is looking at the woman sitting at the window.
4)After saying this he left the room.
5)Have you any reason for saying such things?
6)The reading of this book took two hours.
7)He sat in the arm-chair reading a newspaper.
8)My little son shows his enjoyment by crying.
9)The crying child was comforted by his nurse.
10) She stopped crying, looked up, said nothing.
6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение:
A.1) I felt somebody touch my hand.
2)We saw the car turn round the corner.
3)I heard somebody mention his name.
4)They watch him walk up the hill.
5)Nobody noticed him disappear.
B. 1) She wanted them to read that book.
2)He would like me to go with him to the theatre.
3)Every mother wishes her child to be talented.
4)I want the matter to be settled quickly.
5)I’d like my husband to get a new job.
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Доп.Информация: C. 1) We consider him to be the best pupil of our school.
2)They expected me to solve all problems.
3)We believe our basketball team to win next game.
4)I think his age to be a point in his favour.
5)We expect this statement to be true.
D. 1) She always thought him to be right.
2)I found the whole situation to be rather embarrassing.
3)Everybody knows matter to consist of small particles called atoms.
4)I think this question to be too difficult for me to answer.
5)We know him to be nominated for the chairman of the conference.
E. 1) She made me do it all over again.
2)Our English teacher makes us learn the words for every lesson.
3)I could not get him to review the whole material.
4)Friction caused the machine stop.
5)I’m going to have my daughter taught music.
F. 1) The teacher allowed us to use dictionaries.
2)That is too heavy for one person to carry, let me help you.
3)We asked the engineer to show us radio instrument.
4)Please let me know the results of your exam as soon as possible.
5)Her father doesn’t allow her to go to the cinema alone.

7. Вставьте частицу to где необходимо.
1)Oh, you made me … start.
2)I heard someone … breathe heavily in the darkness.
3)Here are some dresses I’d like you … iron.
4)Please let me … take your car for the night.
5)I don’t want my aunt … be left alone.
6)The doctor doesn’t let her … get up. He says she’s too weak yet.
7)Millie had never heard her husband … speak about his youth.
8)I want you … tell me about your adventure.

8. Переведите предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива:
A. 1) Tsiolkovsky is known to have developed the theory of rocket flying.
2)The experiment was supposed to have been completed.
3)Electric current is known to flow in metal parts.
4)The solution of this problem is said not to be easy.
5)The building is reported to have been damaged by fire.
B. 1) The match proved to be final.
2)The new approach to the problem appears to be the most satisfactory.
3)The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial possibilities.
4)She didn’t seem to have heard what I said.
5)He turned out to be a good chess-player.
C. 1) The application of this device is certain to give better results.
1)He is likely to be given this work.
2)This important problem is sure to be settled very soon.
3)We are not likely to meet often.
4)We are sure to learn of it.
D. 1) They were ordered to leave the hall.
2)The singer was asked to repeat the song.
3)He was made to put on his coat.
4)She was allowed to walk Sunday afternoons.
5)The child was forced to drink some of the medicine.
9. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребив сложное подлежащее:
Образец: It is considered that the program of experiments has been approved.
The program of experiments is considered to have been approved.
1)It is said that the delegation has arrived.
2)It is believed that the weather will change.
3)It seems that he has many difficulties in his work.
4)It is expected that he is working at this problem.
5)It is said that the solution of this problem is not easy.
6)It is believed that the flight was completed yesterday.
7)It is supposed that he has completed his research.
8)It is reported that our football team has won the match.
9)It is turned out that he hasn’t yet married.
10)It is known that P.N. Yablochkov invented the “Russian light”.
10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на предложный инфинитивный оборот:
1)Everybody waited for the meeting to start.
2)It was late for us to begin discussing this question.
3)It won’t be too difficult for you to write the letter in English.
4)This question is for Mr. Smith to decide.
5)The most difficult thing for him to do was to attend lectures on history.
6)It was important for us to solve this problem as soon as possible.
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